Monday, June 26, 2017

When tragedy strikes...

This is gonna be a tough one...I think I had to type that to remind myself to get the Kleenex.

Tragedy stinks. There's no way to sugar coat it.  It seems to hit when you are already down and clouds your vision.  It is often gut wrenching and debilitating. But we heal and get over it.  For me, when my life was turned upside down, I never saw a silver lining and it seemed I should just camp out in my misery BECAUSE IT KEPT RAINING.  Ever had one of those days where everything went wrong. Like it started bad and didn't get any better.  That was my life a few years ago.

My mom always said there would be mountains and valleys and that if we kept our eyes open God would be there, right alongside us.  Valleys are dark and covered in fear.  But I swear I was content there. My rationale was that if I was already in a valley, how could I possibly experience another fall from the mountain. The roller coaster lifestyle wasn't for me.  I prefer the easy road.  I was mad.  I was vengeful. I was sad. I was BROKEN. Into a million pieces.  Every see a window break?  All those little fragments of glass flying every where.  We often clean up the big pieces and put on a pretty face but its those little slivers that are hiding we forget about until something happens to remind us and we find ourselves once again cut and bleeding.

Pretty picture huh?  You could put my face next to that paragraph and it would describe me perfectly. I was really good at smiling and acting like I was ok.  I could even tell you I was.  But the nights I was alone, crying myself to sleep. The bottomless ache in my stomach.  Those feelings you can't forget.

You know what I have learned?  IT CAN'T RAIN ALL THE TIME.  It just can't.  Every cloud has a silver lining.  The sun will shine. And I can smile.  Sometimes through tears, but I can and I have.

I knew that in order to get out of my self destruction I was going to have to listen to those around me who loved me, but more importantly, I was going to have to listen to God. The Bible tells us in John 16:33 some pretty awesome information.  "I have said these things to you; that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world. "   And it gets better.  Romans 12:19 says, Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, "Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord."  The Bible was speaking truth to me and in volumes.

My all time favorite verse is Phil 4:13. Most of you know it but I had to live it.  "I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me."  It was time to start the climb back up the mountain and know that even though another valley may follow, God was there right by me. It was time to start experiencing God's love and let him work.  IT WAS ABOUT TIME.

As I sat at the computer this morning, I think back to how long ago that time was.  It seems forever ago, but it only took reading one sentence on Facebook to send me back there. It took a bad meeting with a dear friend to bring out the clouds.  One of those little slivers of glass came out from hiding and I was hurt.  You see, I am trying to see how one person's tragedy can become another persons blessing. How can one person smile and be happy when another person is crying and broken? How can God allow hurt feelings to fester and scar friendships?  This morning as I sat, I read in Ruth. Verse 16 hit me upside the head.  "But Ruth replied, 'Don't urge me to leave you or to turn from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay, I will stay.  Your people will be my people and your God my God."

Like this we have to realize that God is there.  He will never leave us. Tragedy is painful but staying faithful to God allows him to work.  It allows him to show us that he is there.  It may just be the sunshine on some days but he is always there.  Tragedy doesn't take away responsibility and we have choices to decisions to make every single day. Are we going to grow from hard conversations?  Are we going to camp out in the valley and live there? Or are we going to strap on our boots and climb up the mountain, knowing God is holding the rope? We have to make the decision to stay with God.  He is already there and promises to stay with us.  

So how is my tragedy another person's blessing?  Well the way I see it is God knew what I needed when I needed it, even if it was hurtful and hard. He knew that decisions made would have consequences, even bad ones.  He knew that I would hit rock bottom.  But he also knew that I would get up with his help. What I lost someone else needed more.  God has a unique was of working things out and I CHOOSE to TRUST him.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Did I ever tell you you're my hero...

I can remember racing to the store to pick out the perfect card or purchasing a "dust collector" every year growing up for my dad.  Those cards seemed to say what I was feeling at the time.  But as I have grown and even had a child of my own, I realize that someone else's words can't take the place of mine.   My Dad.  Mike Brantley.  It's really hard to describe someone you honestly believe hung the moon. Someone that made sure I was safe every night growing up and worked so hard so that I could have "things".  Someone that would give his right arm to anyone who needed it. Someone that loves his family with his whole heart.  Adjectives can't allow one to feel what I have always known.

According to the dictionary,  a hero is someone noted for courageous acts or nobility of character. A person who has special achievements, abilities, personal qualities and is regarded as a role model or ideal.  The principal male character in a story.  The next line should simply read Mike Brantley.

My dad served his country and is a veteran of the Army National Guard. He knowingly signed up and put himself in harms way to protect his country.  I used to hate those weekends or weeks in the summer when he would have to go to "drill".  I never really understood it until I got pulled out of class as a Freshman in high school and was told he was being activated into war.  Then it got real.   But he went and served and never complained. My dad is my role model.  His simple life is one that should be written about and sold as a layout for success.  He works soooo hard and without declaration and reward. It's how he was taught and it's what he taught me. If I can convey even half of the lessons to my son, I will be successful. 

Sometimes life truly sucks. It's consuming and constricting and debilitating. And while I know my dad experiences frustration, pain and disappointment, he doesn't complain and dwell there. He doesn't live in misery. He simply finds a solution and moves on.  When I have gone astray and did my own thing, or gotten into a mess, he's never said I told you so.  He's never criticized me for my wrongdoing.  Notice I didn't say discipline. I got my fair share of that growing up. But even as an adult, I've never heard I told you so. He just met me where I was and built me up, teaching me yet another lesson I really couldn't/didn't convey at that time.  When my marriage fell apart and I had to learn to live as a single mom, my dad was so supportive. He and my mom guided me and helped me get back on my feet. 

So you see, I truly have the most amazing parents. I am lucky to have two people that love me unconditionally. 

This isn't a Hallmark card.  There is no use of adjectives and eloquent rhymes.  It's just real.  My dad has always been my hero and he always will be. People laugh when they hear the phrase, "daddy's little girl", but I assure it exists.  He taught me to fish and to change oil and I when I talk to him or watch him work, I get to see/hear my grandma through him. And well that's enough for me. I don't need things, I need him. Thank you dad for being who you are and never straying from that. I haven't always liked what I have been told, but know I have listened and I did learn. I'm excited for AJ to get to learn from his papa too!

Happy Father's Day!

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

I can see clearly now...

OK God, you win. I can't do it all by myself.  It's like the song by Celine Dion, "All by myself, I don't want to be, All by myself anymore....." LOL! Well kinda anyways.  This week has been extremely eye opening to me. I don't want to be myself that's for sure. But I have realized that I never really was.  God was there. Patiently waiting for me to get out of the way.  

I have hurt feelings. Some are unresolved, some I just deal with daily. And I have managed to put myself directly in Gods path for healing.  Along the way I'm pretty sure I have  hurt others peoples feelings also. 

So this leads me to today.  This morning was in itself full of emotions.  I cried, I laughed and felt blessed every minute. I am sure you are thinking it is hard to be blessed while crying but it's completely possible and entirely worth it.  I received a Facebook message from a friend letting me know I was on her heart this morning and in it was a reminder that I was "valuable" to her.  HOW ENCOURAGING!!!! And then an old friend sent me a message and I had to put my emotional, grudge carrying self aside to do what God told me to do.  After texting back and forth I saw that my friends need was way more important than the "me" I tend to get stuck on. So I started praying and I started doodling in my journal.  All my negative feelings were becoming positive! ANOTHER WIN!! I had a meeting scheduled this morning too. And I had mixed emotions about going.  Remember I was on a path of self and only thinking of myself but God was at work in me.  

Negativity can cloud vision.  Sin can cloud vision and block it completely.  I have been living in myself with blacked out sunglasses and everything has been about me. I couldn't see things right in front of me. Simple blessings God was placing in my every day path.  As I sat at the table this morning with my lovely cup of coffee, I opened my devotion.  The title today was Where Does my Confidence Come From? I read the words in Phil 3:1-11 and the sunglasses came off. I was so content bragging and boasting about my own achievements and making everything about me that I forgot this simple truth:  Our confidence must be firmly rooted in our relationship with Jesus Christ. We must understand all that he has done for us, all that we receive from him and all that he plans to accomplish through us.

So Today I will remain positive.  I will hold onto the fact that Jesus has my back and a pretty good plan for my life!  

Until tomorrow!  Blessings my friends~!

Friday, June 2, 2017

The First One

I have tossed around the idea of starting a blog several times but never started it.  But today as I was mowing the forest my backyard had become, I found myself actually laying out blog posts in my head.
So many things to write about...but for all that it's worth (or I hope it will be worth something to somebody), I have chosen to write about breaking free.  Chains are only good when needed but when the invisible kind tie you down and change who you are as a person, trust me they are no good.

As I was mowing, I was listening to a playlist created just for outside work and the song, Thy Will by Hillary Scott came on.  I think it resonates with all of us if we think about it.

I'm so confused 
I know I heard you loud and clear.
So, I followed through
Somehow I ended up here
I don't wanna think
I may never understand
That my broken heart is a part of your plan
When I try to pray
All I've got is hurt and these four words

Thy will be done
Thy will be done
Thy will be done

(the next verse really gets me)

I know you're good
But this don't feel good right now
And I know you think
Of things I could never think about
Its hard to count it all joy
Distracted by the noise
Just trying to make sense
Of all your promises
Sometimes I gotta stop
Remember that you're God
And I'm not...

I am gonna stop there because that's where this starts. I have to remember I am not God and that he has a plan for me and I have to stop interfering. So the first step is to just stop...right. Because it's that easy.  I need to Be still and know that he is God.

So here it is. My very first blog post.  Stay tuned for what's to come.  I am pretty sure I will shed a ton of tears and also laugh a little but I hope over the course of time, I draw a whole lot closer to God, my maker and my best friend.



     I think sometimes we get so wrapped up in others; in playing a role, in helping them to prove ourselves worthy of love, of acceptance, ...