Wednesday, June 14, 2017

I can see clearly now...

OK God, you win. I can't do it all by myself.  It's like the song by Celine Dion, "All by myself, I don't want to be, All by myself anymore....." LOL! Well kinda anyways.  This week has been extremely eye opening to me. I don't want to be myself that's for sure. But I have realized that I never really was.  God was there. Patiently waiting for me to get out of the way.  

I have hurt feelings. Some are unresolved, some I just deal with daily. And I have managed to put myself directly in Gods path for healing.  Along the way I'm pretty sure I have  hurt others peoples feelings also. 

So this leads me to today.  This morning was in itself full of emotions.  I cried, I laughed and felt blessed every minute. I am sure you are thinking it is hard to be blessed while crying but it's completely possible and entirely worth it.  I received a Facebook message from a friend letting me know I was on her heart this morning and in it was a reminder that I was "valuable" to her.  HOW ENCOURAGING!!!! And then an old friend sent me a message and I had to put my emotional, grudge carrying self aside to do what God told me to do.  After texting back and forth I saw that my friends need was way more important than the "me" I tend to get stuck on. So I started praying and I started doodling in my journal.  All my negative feelings were becoming positive! ANOTHER WIN!! I had a meeting scheduled this morning too. And I had mixed emotions about going.  Remember I was on a path of self and only thinking of myself but God was at work in me.  

Negativity can cloud vision.  Sin can cloud vision and block it completely.  I have been living in myself with blacked out sunglasses and everything has been about me. I couldn't see things right in front of me. Simple blessings God was placing in my every day path.  As I sat at the table this morning with my lovely cup of coffee, I opened my devotion.  The title today was Where Does my Confidence Come From? I read the words in Phil 3:1-11 and the sunglasses came off. I was so content bragging and boasting about my own achievements and making everything about me that I forgot this simple truth:  Our confidence must be firmly rooted in our relationship with Jesus Christ. We must understand all that he has done for us, all that we receive from him and all that he plans to accomplish through us.

So Today I will remain positive.  I will hold onto the fact that Jesus has my back and a pretty good plan for my life!  

Until tomorrow!  Blessings my friends~!

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     I think sometimes we get so wrapped up in others; in playing a role, in helping them to prove ourselves worthy of love, of acceptance, ...