Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Letters to him...


The overwhelming desire to call you is real. I fight the urge to pick up the phone and hit the button. I'm afraid to look at Facebook because I don't want a memory to pop up glaringly reminding me of my failures. So I drive. I drive all over. I listen to the same songs all the time, fully hoping that the words will sink in.I drive. Today I drove past you in town. I saw the sticker on the front of your truck and your cattle guard. I knew you probably had just left McDonalds getting your sausage, egg and cheese biscuit and large coffee. I passed you and I didn't wave. I didn't look. I didn't want you to see my face. The puffy eyes that are streaked with red. The discolored cheeks from endless salty tears. I passed and I miss you...

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     I think sometimes we get so wrapped up in others; in playing a role, in helping them to prove ourselves worthy of love, of acceptance, ...